Business Intelligence - Analytics
Understand your business trends by analysing data when you need it and how you need it.
With UltraSoft built-in extensive analysis in data, graph and excel format, you can run your business centre like a clock work and increase efficiency and thrive profitability.
Some of the key analysis that
you can automate:
- Automate KPI reports.
- Automate occupancy forecast analysis.
- Automate group and centre occupancy.
- Automate booked vs. billed income.
- Automate business rates occupancy.
- Automate deferred income.
- Automate sales performance analysis.
- Automate sales pipeline analysis.
- Automate sales conversion ratio analysis.
- Automate centre performance report.
- Automate revenue by product type.
- Write your won report via built-in report writer.
- Plug-in your own report writer.
- Customise/bespoke your own reports.
- and do more ...
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